Indoor plants: boosting mood and purifying air

Have you ever walked into a room filled with greenery and immediately felt a sense of peace and tranquility? Plants, particularly indoor ones, have been proven to hold an array of benefits not just for our environment, but also for our mental health and the quality of air we breathe. In this article, we explore how indoor plants can boost your mood and purify the air in your home.

The Green Effect: Indoor Plants and Mood Enhancement

Power of Greenery

The simple act of being around plants, watching them grow, and nurturing them can have a profound effect on our mood. A concept known as biophilia suggests that humans have an innate desire to connect with nature. This connection can manifest in a variety of ways, from taking a walk in the park to keeping a small succulent on your desk.

Research indicates that indoor plants can reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve mood. A study by the University of Hyogo in Japan found that participants who interacted with indoor plants showed significant decreases in heart rate, indicating a more relaxed state of mind.

Productivity and Creativity Boost

Not only can plants make you feel better, but they can also make you work better. A series of studies from the University of Exeter found that employees were 15% more productive when their workplaces were filled with just a few houseplants. The greenery helped employees feel more engaged with their work, improving their overall job satisfaction and boosting their creativity.

Breathe Easier: Indoor Plants and Air Purification

Natural Air Filters

Indoor air pollution is a serious concern. From cooking fumes to chemical off-gassing from furniture and paint, our homes can sometimes harbor harmful pollutants. Enter indoor plants. They act as natural air filters, absorbing these toxins and converting them into their food, thereby purifying the air around us.

NASA’s Clean Air Study, a landmark piece of research conducted in the late 1980s, found that certain indoor plants are particularly good at filtering harmful toxins out of the air. Species such as the peace lily, snake plant, and English ivy can remove common toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

Humidity Regulation

Plants can also help regulate humidity levels in your home. Through a process known as transpiration, plants release moisture into the air, which can be particularly beneficial in dry environments. Increased humidity can help with dry skin, dry coughs, and even reduce the likelihood of catching the flu.

Choosing the Right Indoor Plants

When it comes to choosing the right plants for your indoor spaces, consider the amount of light your room gets, the humidity levels, and how much care you can provide. Low maintenance plants like snake plants, pothos, and ZZ plants are great for beginners. For more advanced plant parents, ferns, orchids, and peace lilies can be great additions.


Embracing indoor plants can do more than just beautifying your space. These silent friends can improve your mood, boost your productivity, and purify the air in your home. They represent a simple and effective way to improve your indoor environment and overall wellbeing. So, why not add a touch of green to your home today?


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